301 Customs Bond

It won't be a scavenger's hunt if one desires to obtain continuous import bond, but knowing the importance of it is vital. When it comes to importing goods into the United States, importers are always recommended to read through important lengthy informat

OTI Bonds CA

Get the Right OTI and Customs Bond You May Need

We may not be the secret agents but we can get you the 301 customs bond you may need. CBI’s customs professionals work with multiple sureties and provide thousands of bonds to a hundreds of registered companies across the nation and beyond…

Why Do Freight Forwarders and NVOCCs Need OTI Bonds?

Ocean Freight Forwarders or OFFs and Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers or NVOCCs are essential contributors in international trading, responsible for making the process quick and safe. These terms are coined very often in ocean freight …

Why Do Importers Need To Purchase Customs Surety Bond?

The institution of importing is one merchandize which is drenched in tradition is important. Over the years as it has been celebrated by different processes and through different era’s a whole range of conventions and customs surety bond h…